Belonging - community ‘changemaking’

As we face into the impact of the changing climate, and multiple inter-connected crises, there is a clear and present need to build resilience. However, a sense of powerlessness is restricting both community building and citizen action.

Belonging Circles aim to bring more people into the space of supporting, and demanding, collective change by helping them find their sense of belonging and, with it, their power to effect change – psychological wellbeing support as a means of ‘changemaking’.

It is often resistance which keeps us bound whilst agency, or power, arises out of acceptance of what is. Issues explored in these constellation circles might include:

  • the stories we inherited from our family

  • the loyalties generated by fears of not belonging

  • our inter-generational history

  • our judgement or ‘othering’ of those we believe are the problem

  • the relevance of place and the impact of migration

  • the role of both personal and collective trauma

“Only if we look through a trauma-informed lens can we see that the level of dissociation and inaction that we continue to witness may not be a lack of care, but an unconscious defence mechanism against the overwhelm of chronic trauma.” Steffi Bednarek

Pilot circles will be hosted over the next few months with a wider roll-out planned, subject to philanthropic support. There is an emphasis on marginalised communities although this will not be to the exclusion of any community wishing to participate.

Email Steph to register your interest in hosting a constellation circle in your community. If you would like to offer philanthropic support then please contact Steph to arrange a chat.